Monday, June 28, 2010

My top 10 side project

Hi everyone just going 2 start some I have bin wanting 2 do 4 a long time as some of you know I like 2 play video games and thinks 2 the net I have found out that there have been alot of video games consoles alot more than we think most of us still remember the great ones like NES the Mega Drive and N64 but does eney of you remember the Jaguar the 3DO or the Laseractive I am going say no that because thay were bad and should be forgotten by everyone but I have dig them back up 4 you 2 see 10 of the worst Consoles that the gaming world has ever seen from bad games 2 bad controllers this is something I have 2 tell you guys 2 believe so here begins my top 10 worst consoles I am going 2 post them one @ a time try get one up at lest once a week so not 2 get in way ok so lets begin

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